New Guard

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Newspaper 4, Sports

The Bravettes danced for the final time last school year. The Bravettes club was discontinued prior to this season due to the lack of a sponsorship and a vacancy at the head coaching position. 

Iris Fowler, katie Glisan, Isabella Paz, and Nicole Wojtezcko holding Jacob Sandlin after the football team played Jones High School on October 13, 2023.

“The team as a whole wasn’t as dedicated to dance as the past years and the coach ended up resigning, leaving us with no coach to continue,” former Bravette Delaney Myers said.

The Bravettes had a good run, and they may make a comeback in the future. However, with the fall of Bravettes came the rise of a new team. Winter guard, similar to color guard, is a continuation of the color guard class led by teacher Joshua Jackson.

Bravettes was strictly a dance team while Winter Guard is dance along with various equipment such as flags and rifles to jazz it up. Winter Guard usually performs alongside the band as opposed to a recorded song or mashup that Bravettes would perform to. Although Winter Guard is taking the place of Bravettes and the times they would perform, the two clubs are not the same.

“I will not [be trying out for Winter Guard] because I feel like Winter Guard is not the same as Bravettes and I do competitive dance with my dance studio every year,” Myers said.

Many of the students who are currently in Color Guard joined for fun and fellowship.  “What I enjoy about Winter Guard is being able to hang out with my friends while learning new things. It’s also fun to learn the choreography with the flags and learning new tosses,” junior Aleysha Cruz said. 

Winter Guard will be traveling for competitions in the near future. The Bravettes will be missed during the halftime shows of both football and basketball season. But the old guard’s spirit will live on through Winter guard.


  • Lana Reyes

    My name is Lana Reyes, I'm a Junior in Newspaper, I love writing stories and watching basketball. One day, I will become a sports journalist.

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