Giving voice to our community.

Boone Pubs is a quality product whose sole purpose is to pursue the truth, and to provide information and factual news pertaining to Boone and the community around it.

editors team

cali ruiz

editor in chief

valeria oviedo

web design editor

wesley hoyer

sports editor

kai race

Entertainment editor

kailani kotrys

news editor

lucia morales

features editor

claire leppert

features editor

danika ballard

sports editor news 6

royal mchenry

features editor news 6

ziggy owen

photography editor

kimberly quarles

photography editor


click their profiles to read more stories

jacob zapata

aisha rivera

ryland defoor

allie radcliffe

odlanyer lopéz

lily oliva

emma high

asher whitaker

shelby ramirez

aubrey maroon

izzy tillman

glenn cox

nick wilson

hannah valera

gunnar rorman

lana reyes

nanyely fermin

mariangeliz mercedes

erin delbey

emelia martin

jeylianis mujica-rivera

ryder branscum

Contact us!

We want to hear your  ideas and comments!. If you have any questions or comments can be directed to 407-893-7200 extension 6012241 or Room 226, as well as by email to [email protected]. If you find any errors, please contact us.