Walking Worries

by , | Feb 6, 2024 | News, Newspaper 4

Students who frequently walk to and from school get presented with issues that threaten their safety, such as cars speeding, drivers not paying attention, and untimely weather conditions for vehicles.

Students who walk or ride their bicycles tend to underestimate the traffic dangers that surround them, and drivers periodically neglect pedestrian signs. This lack of attention can lead to injuries and, occasionally, deaths.

An article by Martin Jean & Jackson, Should You Be Worried About Your Children Walking To School?, reported, “Younger children are especially in danger of being hit by their school buses, but they are by no means the only age group affected.” 

In fact, according to Safe Kids Worldwide, “Teenagers are twice as likely to be killed in a pedestrian accident than younger children and accounted for over half of all pedestrian injuries involving children over the past five years.”

Drivers who have had a long day are more likely to cause an accident because they are often drained and drowsy, which takes away their ability to notice students and slows their reaction time. 

“There are a lot of speeding cars, and it makes it difficult to cross roads safely going home,” freshman Aaron Allen said. 

Florida is one of the worst states for students that are leaving or going to school.

According to The Gainesville Sun, “Year after year Florida sits at the very top of the Smart Growth America/Complete Streets Coalition annual ‘Dangerous by Design’ report’s ranking of the most dangerous states in America for pedestrians.” 

And it doesn’t help that children’s brains are not fully developed, which makes them vulnerable to causing or being in a traffic collision.

Another known hazard for students is the weather. Rain bombards the sidewalks, which can make the roads too slippery for vehicles to navigate safely during busy times and low light. 

When driving over a puddle the tires of a car, bus, or any other vehicle lose traction with the road, which can cause an accident with a student or another car. 

It can help to remember areas where children and teens may be walking. Once this is embedded into the minds of drivers, walking home could feel safer for students. 


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