Time Crunch

by | Feb 26, 2024 | Newspaper 4, Sports

Working extra hours after a 10 hour day to keep up with grading, lesson plans, practice, and personal life can be a struggle for teachers who wear multiple hats. Steven Taylor, coach of Girls Weightlifting and fine arts teacher, experiences nights like these on a daily basis.

 In order to keep up with his schedule he gets some support. Taylor said, “Other coaches take up some of the coaching responsibility, so I don’t feel overwhelmed. My art colleagues give me advice, feedback, and support for educational growth.”

Assistant coach Lara Kirby is one of the coaches that lends a hand. “She helps put the junior lifters and goes over technique during practice.” Nicole Moitoza is also helpful, Taylor said, “She gives me feedback on how students should be analyzing art and what different media they can use.”

Taylor said, “I started as a judge for Girls Weightlifting six years ago then after coming to Boone I was able to commit to coaching.” So, now Taylor helps the team excel. 

The girls weightlifting team won Metros for the first time in the team’s history. Senior Bianca Vanblarcom said, “He pushed me beyond my limits, and made me realize I was stronger than I thought I was,” so now the team gets to compete at Regionals.

Taylor started teaching to spread his love for art, “I felt a real passion to teach high school students the art subject due to my difficult challenges when I was in school,” Taylor said.

Taylor’s life as a teacher and coach is filled to the brim with his two dream jobs. Assistance from others helps him manage his time in order to make his dream a reality. Whether it’s in the studio or in the weight room, Taylor is constantly elevating his students to powerfully artistic levels.
