More than A Pop-Up

by | Feb 21, 2024 | Features, Newspaper 4

Zscaler, a cybersecurity system, blocks evolving threats for billions of companies and schools’ computers.

When students open their laptop they will most likely be shown a pop up of Zscaler. Although students cannot interact with the app, it is constantly monitoring computers. 

“On the users end, it looks and feels like a web filter or blocker, making websites and apps unavailable based on content or risk. Zscaler ensures that the connections between student devices and the internet at large are done so in a safe and secure way,” Assistant Principal in charge of technology Timothy Flynn said. 

When students use their computer and try to access certain websites, Zscaler block programs that appear to pose a cybersecurity threat. 

If a student’s computer was accessed by a cyber-criminal, their personal information would be at risk and the device likely infected by a virus. So Zscaler saves the computer from data and security threats. 

The cybersecurity system uses a web filter, which is a program that instantly denies a bad website before you finish your search.

“Without Zscaler, it would be very easy for a cyber-criminal to hitch a ride on one or multiple of these packets of information and find their way in,” Flynn said.

Zscaler does not necessarily affect the laptop on the student’s end, it mainly focuses on making sure the websites used are safe and won’t allow any viruses to ruin a student’s laptops. 

“Zscaler ensures that the connections between student devices and the internet at large are done so in a safe and secure way,” Flynn said.

Zscaler allows students to be safe on their school computers without the constant monitor of a teacher. Their devices are safe, and learning will continue in its undisturbed, virus free form.
