Trump vs. Harris

Tuesday, September 10, the first presidential debate between Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump took place in Philadelphia. The debate was broadcasted on ABC Andy moderated by David Muir and Linsey...

Preparing for Hurricane Milton

Floridians are fleeing the state in search of safety as Hurricane Milton hits the coast late Wednesday night. The storm is projected to make landfall as a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds up to 150 miles per hour and a storm surge up to 15 feet in the Tampa...

BREAKING NEWS: Hurricane Helene hitting shore tonight

With Hurricane Helene hitting shore tonight, Floridians are being forced to board up homes once again. “We will not be directly impacted by the storm but school will remain closed Thursday,” Principal Dr. Hector Maestre said.  As schools close on September 26,...

Live Forever

Gallagher brothers Liam and Noel officially announce the reunion of rock n roll band Oasis.  After a fifteen year wait, the Gallagher brothers are back on tour, marking the continuation of their iconic career in British rock band Oasis.  Oasis met its...

The Mars Fighting Planets prepare for a home game in Butler County Pennsylvania

In the 2024 season home opener, the Fighting Planets will visit earth for the first matchup of the season. Mars High School has made the journey down to central Florida from Butler county Pennsylvania, a region in which the new school year has yet to begin. MHS is...

Entrenando el Cerebro

La temporada de fútbol 2023-2024 ha tenido altibajos tanto dentro como fuera del campo para los cuatro equipos del programa. El equipo masculino de JV tuvo un récord de 6-1-3, el equipo masculino de Varsity tuvo un récord de 9-5-1, el equipo femenino de JV tuvo un...

Train the Brain

The 2023-2024 soccer season has brought ups and downs both off and on the field for all four teams in the program. Boys JV going 6-1-3, Boys Varsity going 9-5-1, Girls JV going 6-0-4, and Girls Varsity going 10-3. The Varsity boys got their biggest win in an exciting...

Time Crunch

Working extra hours after a 10 hour day to keep up with grading, lesson plans, practice, and personal life can be a struggle for teachers who wear multiple hats. Steven Taylor, coach of Girls Weightlifting and fine arts teacher, experiences nights like these on a...

More than A Pop-Up

Zscaler, a cybersecurity system, blocks evolving threats for billions of companies and schools’ computers. When students open their laptop they will most likely be shown a pop up of Zscaler. Although students cannot interact with the app, it is constantly monitoring...


OCPS implemented Opengate, the new metal detection security system, to bring a sense of safety and security onto school premises. Opengate was introduced to the campus on January 18. The system works to provide extra reassurance and protection within school grounds. ...

Justice for Alejandro Martinez

Five years after the death of Boone student Alejandro “Alex” Vargas Martinez, Deandre Florence, 23, was arrested for the murder of the 15-year-old, who was shot on his way to school December 18, 2018.  “Losing a loved one is very painful, extremely painful,”...

Cutting Class

Skipping class has almost formed its own culture in schools, negatively impacting students' school environment. Not only does skipping limit their education, but it also creates safety issues.   Luckily, there are many opportunities to eliminate skipping and to do...

A Final Term of Endearment

Buddy Dyer’s voice welcomes eager air travelers to Orlando, and has acted as a guide, leading the city since 2003. Dyer remains the longest-serving mayor in Orlando history, with his recent mayoral race resulting in his sixth and last term. Dyer served as a member of...

What the kidssayin’ these days

Do you have rizz? Is your food actually bussin? Why have you been acting sus lately? Do you even know what any of this means? You’re probably behind on the most up to date slang. “Slang has changed the way people express themselves in texting and communicating with...

Bigger the Better

Photo/Jason Quitos All 111 students in concert, sinfonia, and counterpoint orchestras playing a piece together during the fall concert The orchestra has grown into the biggest in school history, with 111 students in all three of the orchestras: Concert, Sinfonia, and...

Angie Gallo: School Board Member

Photo/Michael Cairns Photography Vice Chair School Board Member Angie Gallo visited Boone High School’s newspaper class and spoke about her role as an OCPS representative. Gallo talked about her goals and contributions as a school board member representing District 1....

Worth The Wait

If you enjoy eating fried chicken in massive quantities then you have got to give Raising Cane’s a try. The brand-new restaurant has recently opened its doors to Orlando and definitely deserves a shot.  Set a course for 7105 Palm Pkwy and get ready to experience the...

New Guard

The Bravettes danced for the final time last school year. The Bravettes club was discontinued prior to this season due to the lack of a sponsorship and a vacancy at the head coaching position.  Photo/@booneguardIris Fowler, katie Glisan, Isabella Paz, and Nicole...

Game Changers

After years of setbacks, the girls' basketball team was bound to reach a breakthrough. Their 19-3 winning record on the season makes a return for the first time since the 2006-2007 season. “Having a winning record is key to being successful throughout the season and...

Walking Worries

Students who frequently walk to and from school get presented with issues that threaten their safety, such as cars speeding, drivers not paying attention, and untimely weather conditions for vehicles. Students who walk or ride their bicycles tend to underestimate the...

Coffee Talk

The rich and diverse coffee scene in Orlando has been a staple of the city for years, and no matter if you are a coffee enthusiast, a casual coffee drinker, or even if you don’t indulge, local coffee shops can be a great spot to hang out, study, or even chill with...

Conway Contributes

On Sunday, local shops and small businesses set up tents for the Conway Community Market. These assemblies sell a variety of food and accessories, all while finding ways to help out their community. The Conway Community Market takes place one Sunday every month at...


In a world filled with such conflict and negativity, one artist has stood the test of time, capturing the hearts of both kids and parents alike: Kidz Bop. Kidz Bop has been one of my top artists on Spotify for a long time for many reasons; age-friendly lyrics,...

Cambios de juego

Después de años de contratiempos, el equipo de baloncesto femenino estaba destinado a alcanzar un avance. Su récord de 19-3 en la temporada marca un regreso por primera vez desde la temporada 2006-2007. "Tener un récord ganador es clave para tener éxito durante toda...

One Love – Bob Marley’s Lasting Legacy

This Valentine’s day, the highly anticipated biopic Bob Marley: One Love is set to release in theaters everywhere, furthering the singer’s already monumental legacy.  Famous for numerous hits Could You Be Loved, Redemption Song, and Is This Love, Marley’s work is...

Pierce’s Picks – The Best Cars for New Drivers

Highschool is often seen as the biggest turning point in a person’s life. We get older, more mature, and best of all- we start to drive. Yes, getting your license is a rewarding and accomplishing feeling, but can you really utilize it without access to a car? If you...

Escasez de Tiempo

Trabajar horas extra después de un día de 10 horas para ponerse al día con la calificación, los planes de lecciones, la práctica y la vida personal puede ser un desafío para los maestros que tienen múltiples roles. Steven Taylor, entrenador de levantamiento de pesas...

Heart to Heart

Some people truly hate Valentine’s Day with a passion and would rather get kicked in the stomach than buy an adorable little teddy bear for someone. But for some, the glitter, chocolate, and roses symbolize the ultimate celebration of love. If you belong to the latter...

The Quest Continues

Percy Jackson and the Olympians started as a bedtime story Rick Riordan told his son, but it has spiraled into all forms of media. From a book series to a TV show, this fictional story has grown into a fandom people love. The Percy Jackson and the Olympian series is...

Betting Red

As the NFL postseason comes to a close, the biggest game of the year is within our grasp. It has been an exciting postseason, from the Green Bay Packers being the first 7th seeded team to win a playoff game, to another classic between the AFC’s juggernauts of this era...

Un último mandato de cariño

La voz de Buddy Dyer da la bienvenida a los entusiastas viajeros aéreos a Orlando, y ha actuado como guía, liderando la ciudad desde 2003. Dyer sigue siendo el alcalde con más tiempo en el cargo en la historia de Orlando, con su reciente carrera electoral resultando...

El hábito de ausentarse de clases.

Saltarse clases ha formado casi su propia cultura en las escuelas, afectando negativamente el entorno escolar de los estudiantes. No solo limita su educación, sino que también crea problemas de seguridad. Afortunadamente, hay muchas oportunidades para eliminar el...

Preocupaciones al Caminar

Estudiantes que caminan frecuentemente de ida y vuelta a la escuela se enfrentan a problemas que amenazan su seguridad, como autos que van a exceso de velocidad, conductores distraídos y condiciones climáticas desfavorables para los vehículos. Los estudiantes que...


OCPS implementó Opengate, el nuevo sistema de seguridad con detección de metales, para brindar una sensación de seguridad en las instalaciones escolares. Opengate fue introducido en el campus el 18 de enero. El sistema trabaja para proporcionar seguridad adicional y...

Field to Floor

The differences between sideline and competitive cheer

Bands at Boone

Every band starts with a few songs, small venues, and a passion for music. But only a select few gain enough traction to become mainstream. With a new generation of musicians, up-and-coming bands on campus could be the future of rock.  The band Wadeview, features...

Bring the Barrel Back

This season will mark the 72nd installment of Central Florida’s most storied rivalry. The feud began in 1952 when Orlando High School was broken up into Orlando North and Orlando South, both of which would become Edgewater High School and Boone High School. The winner...

Celebrating the Hispanic Heritage spirit!

The Hispanic culture in the United States has grown tremendously over the years, making Spanish one of the most spoken languages around the world. Each student celebrates Hispanic Heritage month with a different meaning. "This month shows people how rich my culture is...

Grades for Games

The sound of a keyboard or toggles hitting a controller are not normally athletic sounds, but as we near the end of 2023, those sounds reflect a quickly rising sport. In a seemingly unchanging culture it’s always news when a change is made, let alone a new sport is...

Secondhand Magic

Thrifting has had a boom in popularity recently, especially amongst teenagers. The rise of vintage aesthetics and the renewal of older clothing has been a major contributor to this admiration, but this rise in popularity has negatively impacted the thrifting...

Calificaciones para los juegos

El sonido de un teclado o los botones de un control golpeando no son sonidos atléticos normales, pero a medida que nos acercamos al final de 2023, esos sonidos reflejan un deporte que está creciendo rápidamente. En una cultura aparentemente inmutable, siempre es...

Trump vs. Harris

Tuesday, September 10, the first presidential debate between Democratic nominee, Vice President...

Preparing for Hurricane Milton

Floridians are fleeing the state in search of safety as Hurricane Milton hits the coast late...

BREAKING NEWS: Hurricane Helene hitting shore tonight

With Hurricane Helene hitting shore tonight, Floridians are being forced to board up homes once...

Miah De Jesus Sophomore Tuesday!

Q: Reflecting on your freshman year, what's one piece of advice you would give to incoming...

Leydy Valoer Senior Monday!

Q:What was the most important thing that prompted you to come to this country? A: I wanted to have...

Paola Ramos – Senior Monday!

Q: Reflecting on your high school journey, what's one lesson you've learned that you'll carry with...

Laura Abreu and Teacher Friday!

 What inspired you to become a teacher, and what keeps you passionate about education? I knew...

Live Forever

Gallagher brothers Liam and Noel officially announce the reunion of rock n roll band Oasis. ...

Melany Orozco Martinez Junior Thursday!

Q: What's a skill or area of expertise you've developed during your junior year, and how do you...

Jacobo Bravo Freshman Wednesday!

Q: What's something new you've learned about yourself since starting high school, and how has it...

The Mars Fighting Planets prepare for a home game in Butler County Pennsylvania

In the 2024 season home opener, the Fighting Planets will visit earth for the first matchup of the...

Boone Pubs website guide

To start This guide introduces new journalism students to this platform. Digital journalism...

Entrenando el Cerebro

La temporada de fútbol 2023-2024 ha tenido altibajos tanto dentro como fuera del campo para los...

Train the Brain

The 2023-2024 soccer season has brought ups and downs both off and on the field for all four teams...

Time Crunch

Working extra hours after a 10 hour day to keep up with grading, lesson plans, practice, and...

More than A Pop-Up

Zscaler, a cybersecurity system, blocks evolving threats for billions of companies and schools’...


OCPS implemented Opengate, the new metal detection security system, to bring a sense of safety and...

Justice for Alejandro Martinez

Five years after the death of Boone student Alejandro “Alex” Vargas Martinez, Deandre Florence,...

Cutting Class

Skipping class has almost formed its own culture in schools, negatively impacting students' school...

A Final Term of Endearment

Buddy Dyer’s voice welcomes eager air travelers to Orlando, and has acted as a guide, leading the...

What the kidssayin’ these days

Do you have rizz? Is your food actually bussin? Why have you been acting sus lately? Do you even...

Bigger the Better

Photo/Jason Quitos All 111 students in concert, sinfonia, and counterpoint orchestras playing a...

Angie Gallo: School Board Member

Photo/Michael Cairns Photography Vice Chair School Board Member Angie Gallo visited Boone High...

Worth The Wait

If you enjoy eating fried chicken in massive quantities then you have got to give Raising Cane’s a...

New Guard

The Bravettes danced for the final time last school year. The Bravettes club was discontinued...

Game Changers

After years of setbacks, the girls' basketball team was bound to reach a breakthrough. Their 19-3...

Walking Worries

Students who frequently walk to and from school get presented with issues that threaten their...

Coffee Talk

The rich and diverse coffee scene in Orlando has been a staple of the city for years, and no...

Conway Contributes

On Sunday, local shops and small businesses set up tents for the Conway Community Market. These...


In a world filled with such conflict and negativity, one artist has stood the test of time,...

Cambios de juego

Después de años de contratiempos, el equipo de baloncesto femenino estaba destinado a alcanzar un...

One Love – Bob Marley’s Lasting Legacy

This Valentine’s day, the highly anticipated biopic Bob Marley: One Love is set to release in...

Un Guardia Nuevo

Las Bravettes bailaron por última vez el año escolar pasado. El club de las Bravettes fue...

Pierce’s Picks – The Best Cars for New Drivers

Highschool is often seen as the biggest turning point in a person’s life. We get older, more...

Escasez de Tiempo

Trabajar horas extra después de un día de 10 horas para ponerse al día con la calificación, los...

Heart to Heart

Some people truly hate Valentine’s Day with a passion and would rather get kicked in the stomach...

The Quest Continues

Percy Jackson and the Olympians started as a bedtime story Rick Riordan told his son, but it has...

Betting Red

As the NFL postseason comes to a close, the biggest game of the year is within our grasp. It has...

Un último mandato de cariño

La voz de Buddy Dyer da la bienvenida a los entusiastas viajeros aéreos a Orlando, y ha actuado...

El hábito de ausentarse de clases.

Saltarse clases ha formado casi su propia cultura en las escuelas, afectando negativamente el...

Preocupaciones al Caminar

Estudiantes que caminan frecuentemente de ida y vuelta a la escuela se enfrentan a problemas que...


OCPS implementó Opengate, el nuevo sistema de seguridad con detección de metales, para brindar una...

Brainy Braves – Issue 1

HintsDown 1. University with a black and gold palette. 3. Soccer team whose mascot is the lion. 5....

Field to Floor

The differences between sideline and competitive cheer

Bands at Boone

Every band starts with a few songs, small venues, and a passion for music. But only a select few...

Bring the Barrel Back

This season will mark the 72nd installment of Central Florida’s most storied rivalry. The feud...

Celebrating the Hispanic Heritage spirit!

The Hispanic culture in the United States has grown tremendously over the years, making Spanish...

Grades for Games

The sound of a keyboard or toggles hitting a controller are not normally athletic sounds, but as...

Secondhand Magic

Thrifting has had a boom in popularity recently, especially amongst teenagers. The rise of vintage...

Calificaciones para los juegos

El sonido de un teclado o los botones de un control golpeando no son sonidos atléticos normales,...



Worth The Wait

If you enjoy eating fried chicken in massive quantities then you have got to give...

What the kidssayin’ these days

Do you have rizz? Is your food actually bussin? Why have you been acting sus...

Walking Worries

Students who frequently walk to and from school get presented with issues that threaten their...

Un último mandato de cariño

La voz de Buddy Dyer da la bienvenida a los entusiastas viajeros aéreos a Orlando...

Un Guardia Nuevo

Las Bravettes bailaron por última vez el año escolar pasado. El club de las Bravettes...


In a world filled with such conflict and negativity, one artist has stood the test...

Trump vs. Harris

Tuesday, September 10, the first presidential debate between Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, and...

Train the Brain

The 2023-2024 soccer season has brought ups and downs both off and on the field...

Time Crunch

Working extra hours after a 10 hour day to keep up with grading, lesson plans...

Last edition!

Exciting News! Our 4th edition is out now, packed with compelling stories! Explore the latest advancements, including the groundbreaking Opengate System. Stay informed, stay connected. Grab your copy today and delve into a world of innovation! 


Highlights 📰 is a student publication of William R. Boone High School, 1000 E. Kaley Ave., Orlando, Florida, 32806. The ideas and views of the aforementioned students and faculty are not those of Boone or the Orange County School Board. Opinions expressed in unsigned editorials are those of the editorial board, who determine the content. Opinions expressed in columns are those of the authors.

Our Mission

This website is a quality product whose sole purpose is to pursue the truth, and to provide information and factual news pertaining to Boone and the community around it. Any questions or comments can be directed to 407-893-7200 extension 6012241 or Room 226, as well as by email to [email protected]. If you find any errors, please contact us.

What skills can students learn in the program?

In our program, students have the opportunity to learn all about different journalism areas, including graphic design, writing, and grammar lessons. We are a production-level class, and students are part of the process.

How can you send comments and ideas?

Comments, letters, stories, and ideas are welcome and encouraged under the following:

  1. The material is not obscene or libelous.
  2. The material is signed.

The staff reserves the right to edit letters for grammar, length, punctuation, accuracy, invasion of privacy and potential disruption of the school.